Restoration of Complications of the Upper Body
Restoration of Complications of the Upper Body is an 8 hour workshop where the therapist will learn additional skills in Muscle Testing, and Advanced Soft-Tissue manual therapy techniques. You will also learn Active Kinetic Releases for more effective treatments. These techniques are designed to preserve the therapists career and provide a protocol that therapists can use to assist their clients to effectively treat pain in the Thoracic, Shoulder, Neck and Head regions. Our workshop are designed to be hands on with practical applications and uses that are easily integrated into your practice. This fun filled learning experience will have you the therapist feeling empowered and more confident about therapy outcomes. Recommended for New and Advanced Therapists.
Check out our schedule for the next available class.
Cost- $282.50
Please Contact Us for payment plans, other payment options or for scheduling a workshop in your area.
Restoration of Complications of the Low Back and Lower Body
According to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies approximately 100 millions people suffer from chronic pain. Many have low back, and lower body issues with the hips, knees, legs, ankles and feet and are in need of fast results to resume their daily routine and sports activities. Restoration of Complications of the Low Back and Lower Body is an 8 hour continuing education workshop where therapists learn the value of Muscle Testing for pinpointing where the pain resides and the most effective treatment. You will learn to apply a protocol of advanced manual therapy with Active Kinetic Release to help bring clients to a better place of healing. Treating in isolation of manual therapy is the old way. This could be the techniques to change your practice, and to improve the quality of life to your clients! Don’t work harder, work smarter! And still get rid of your pain! Recommended for New and Advanced Therapists.
Check out our schedule for the next available class.
Cost- $282.50
Please Contact Us for payment plans, other payment options or for scheduling a workshop in your area.