1. Claim number  – Given to you by your adjuster when you report the auto accident
  2. Insurance card -auto insurance policy card
  3. Date of accident
  4. Doctors information-your treating  physician’s name, telephone, and address
  5. Prescription for therapy- from your MD’s, DO’s, DC’s & dentist  (medical doctor, osteopath doctor, chiropractor , or dentist)
  6. Injuries- injuries often have a snowball affect rather than getting better over time.  The sooner you are seen for therapy the better.
  7. Patient intake form- found at SurgicalAlternative.com for your first appointment
  8. Personal injury protection PIP-  also called Florida No Fault Insurance. Florida PIP insurance covers the driver and all passengers in the car at the time of an accident. PIP will also cover anyone living in your household that is driving your car at the time of the accident. PIP benefits are paid by your own insurance company regardless of who was at fault for the accident. This is what is meant by Florida being a no-fault insurance State. PIP insurance pays for 80% of your medical bills and 60% of your lost wages, up to $10,000.   To know your rights in the state of Florida  go to  http://www.flhsmv.gov/ddl/frfaqgen.html

If you are in an accident know your rights.  I have seen many car accident victims over the years. Many come to me after their current treatment options have already used up most or all of their PIP insurance benefits before they are fully healed.  Know that you have the right to request or demand other treatment options that maybe more effective in treating your injuries.

At Surgical Alternative in Tampa, we have been helping people cure many conditions associated with whiplash flexion/extension injuries, headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain, degenerative disc disease, hiatal hernias, herniated discs or bulging discs, carpal tunnel, nerve entrapment, sciatica (providing sciatic pain relief), low back pain, hip pain, knee pain, or foot pain and tailbone pain – that is usually related to the musculoskeletal structure. By addressing and releasing the core distortion pattern through a combination of techniques including deep tissue massages and cranial release we are able to achieve pain relief, homeostasis, and return to normal function.