The techniques used at Surgical Alternative in Tampa will help you as a client achieve the following goals. These techniques are time tested and proven to be the ultimate rehabilitation techniques!
Maximize Your Athletic Potential
- Gain an additional 50% muscle strength, coordination and balance
- Prevent devastating injuries
- Greatly increase stamina and endurance
- Break through limitations that have held you back
- Achieve a structural balance that will lead to maximum physical potential
Rehabilitating Your Injuries
- Dramatically speed up the time necessary for rehabilitation
- Gain strength and stability in joints that were weakened even before the injury
- Release and normalize scar tissue and adhesions
- Regain lost flexibility and maximum range of motion
Extending Your Athletic Careers
- Experience fewer injuries
- Reduce healing time after injuries
- Achieve long lasting endurance and stamina
- Retain flexibility and maximum range of motion
- Reduce the effect from previous injuries
- Maintain structural balance which leads to maximum performance
At Surgical Alternative in Tampa, we have been helping people with many conditions associated with injuries or surgical scar that leave people in pain and are usually related to the musculoskeletal issues. We use a combination of techniques including Structural Bodywork and craniostructural therapy to achieve pain relief by realign the bones and releasing the muscles allowing the body to return to normal function.