surgical alternatives

Massage as Medicine


If any of you have read my blogs or know, you know that I prescribe to the thought of massage as alternative medicine.  A lot of the time when you mention massage people assume relaxation but the truth is most perform more types of therapeutic massage.  Many of the passionate one in our industry including [...]

Massage as Medicine2021-03-02T18:45:38+00:00

Unleashing an Athlete’s Potential


Our specialized techniques have helped to unleash an athlete's potential. We have worked on many athletes in the past, but usually after they have finished competing.  By then their bodies had begun to breakdown and they began to feel the aches and pains from all the years of trauma they put on their bodies while [...]

Unleashing an Athlete’s Potential2018-08-17T17:59:45+00:00

Surgical Alternative- Rehabilitate your Pain


At Surgical Alternative our main goal is to rehabilitate your pain. People come see us for many different reasons. A lot of times, we're the last option because they’ve done all the traditional western medicine they know to do.  When their condition first started they stretched, they iced and took it easy for a little [...]

Surgical Alternative- Rehabilitate your Pain2015-09-17T19:03:58+00:00

Sciatica Pain- How to get relief! Part 1


When I was in massage school, we were taught that sciatica (shooting nerve pain that travels down the back of the leg) was most often caused by a tight hip rotator muscle called the piraformis ( a muscle in the gluteal region of the lower limb).  The piraformis connects our tailbone (or sacrum) to the top of our femur (or [...]

Sciatica Pain- How to get relief! Part 12015-07-09T21:59:45+00:00
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